Accidents Happen

I could say that I began this blog because I wanted to reach out to people and teach someone something. But really, that is not the truth.

I began this blog for me. To Liven my life up. To give it some flare. To challenge myself. To bring some enjoyment into my life (not that it doesn’t have enough already, believe me it does). And if it just so happens that it does all of those things for another person’s life, then that just happened by accident.

Well, not by accident.

Everything happens for a reason, right?

Right. God has a plan. I believe that. You should believe that too.

I feel you should know that I believe in God. I believe he sent his son Jesus to die on a cross for me. And for you. Both completely broken and wretched humans in desperate need of a savior.

Anyways, I really hope my words touch someone. Although, that was not my original intention. Either way, I hope you enjoyed the time spent visiting my “project.”

Remember: keep things lively.

With liveliness,

Andrea K. Golliher



One thought on “Accidents Happen

  1. Harley Canon says:

    I thought at first sight this was going to be one of those stupid blogs but as I read the words deepened. I hope this blog doesn’t go bad and turn into a twitter fan page! I believe this can be a heart touching blog! Keep it up.

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